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Dragon Mystics: Supernatural Prison #2 Page 11

  He gave me a nod. “No problem. I needed to get them away, the Four are not above using leverage.”

  I sucked in deeply. “What about Jo and Jack … and Nash?” I didn’t want the Compasses to suffer either, or their new little dragon marked charge.

  The wizard’s violet eyes darkened. “I tried to bring them also, but they refused. They should be okay, I have a few friends keeping an eye on them.”

  I struggled in Jacob’s embrace, my feet were still off the ground. “Put me down,” I ordered, and he actually complied. My bare feet hit the warm sand. Braxton’s dragon crowded in a little closer to me. Warmth washed over my neck, shifting strands of black hair.

  I crossed my arms over my chest, my gaze drawn to the sheer number of creatures that surrounded us, seemingly unable to penetrate the bubble of magic Louis had erected.

  “Can you take us home?” I asked the sorcerer, who was clearly the reason we’d been found.

  He nodded. “Yes, though getting into Faerie is easy. Coming home … not quite as simple. But I’ll manage.”

  I’m sure he would. No doubt the wine he’d given me long ago at dinner had been procured directly by the sorcerer himself. He seemed to know how to wander in and out of this land.

  “You don’t seem surprised that I’m a dual shifter?” I had concealed this from the sorcerer last time we spoke of my marked abilities. Thankfully he didn’t seem that upset by my previous evasiveness.

  He smiled in his enigmatic manner. “Let’s just say this does not come as a huge surprise to me, I sensed more from your energy. You are called for something higher.”

  Great. I loved being called for something.

  Louis turned to Braxton then: “You can shift back now, I will keep us safe,” he said. The dragon snorted again, growls ripping from his open jaws. “I know it chafes at your instincts to let others do the protecting, but for once you’re just going to have to deal with it.”

  Braxton threw back his massive head, jaws wide as he roared to the sky. As his snout lowered, I narrowed my eyes, before reaching up and tapping him once on the nose.

  “Bad dragon,” I said, striving for some humor. Hopefully the lighter tone would help him regain some control.

  He snarled at me, and I sighed before waving his anger aside with a swish of my hand. I wasn’t afraid of Braxton. And clearly neither was the sorcerer. Louis turned his back on us and started a complicated set of movements, opening a doorway home.

  I felt a surge of energy, and in a rapid change Braxton was back on two legs. Louis did not stop his hands moving, although he dropped one finger onto the dragon shifter’s shoulder, clothing him.

  I drank in the sight of my best friend, his startling blue eye, hair as black as night. He had been my last thought before I plunged into the earth and I didn’t want to wait one more minute to tell him how much he meant to me. Without Braxton and all the Compasses I would be nothing. I threw myself into his arms and without hesitation he pulled me close. His strength surrounded me, and for the first time in hours I breathed easy. I gently nuzzled my face against the soft shirt he now wore.

  “I couldn’t save you.” I heard the low anguish of his words, each ripped from his throat. “I had to watch as you plunged into the ground … I heard your bones break.” The anguish turned back into fury and suddenly his grip on me was even tighter. “I’m going to kill every last creature on this world, one by one, piece by piece.”

  Jacob’s face popped up over the side of his taller brother. “This is the reason the fey abandoned Faerie. No longer is it safe for us here, and all the fighting is too much.”

  I managed to wiggle my face free so I could see my fey best friend … and I needed to breathe – breathing was really important.

  “Have you been here before?” I asked.

  “Yes,” was all the reply I received.

  Jacob was always quite cagey about this place and the tales of his people. We had few secrets in our pack; Jacob’s reticence was not of his own choice, they made all the fey swear oaths. He told us what he could, but it was very little.

  “The doorway will be open in about a minute,” Louis said, sporting that half-grin cocky expression I associated with him. “I doubt you’re going to have time to go on a murderous spree, lizard, even on your best day.”

  Braxton lifted his head from where he had it buried in my neck. I couldn’t see his expression, but I felt the sudden tension which filtered into his already hard body.

  “Don’t push me today, Sparkie.”

  Silence descended; Louis didn’t reply. I was surprised by his lack of smartass retort. Sparkie was a derogative name for magic users, for two reasons. Firstly, their spells often lit up in sparks, which alerted enemies to their location. It was as if they couldn’t be stealthy no matter how powerful they were, and shifters especially loved that weakness – mainly because magic was an unfair advantage, and our strength was in stealth. And secondly, according to our history tomes, most supernaturals descended from non-humans … probably fey. But magic users were different, they’d definitely evolved from humans, just one chromosome removed or something. They call humans their “spark of life,” and since we all considered humans to be … well, sort of beneath us, that riled the magic users.

  Braxton released me, allowing me to step free and fill my oxygen-starved lungs. “Where exactly is this land in reference to Earth?” I really should have paid more attention in geography and history, but I’d had better things to do. Like sleep. Although, since it was about Faerie, the information probably hadn’t been in any school lessons.

  Louis tilted his head back toward me. Over his left shoulder I noticed that the portal was opening. “This is the next dimension across. These two worlds sit parallel to each other, on either side of the great divide.”

  I furrowed my brows. “The great divide?”

  Braxton answered. “The divide is the “rumored” plane which exists between Earth and Faerie, a land of fire, mists and souls. The dead who have not been reborn or crossed to the gods reside there.”

  I was trying to work the logistics in my head. Seemed as if these three “dimensions” sort of existed within the same space, but on different planes. Weird, but acceptable.

  I wondered what a supernatural had to do to end up in the great divide.

  “It’s supposedly where the dragon king’s soul rests, in the divide,” Louis said, before indicating I should step through the portal. “This is how he can return, his existence is stuck in limbo and hasn’t moved on to the gods.”

  I was troubled by these words as I moved toward the doorway home. Louis reached out and halted me just as I was about to cross over. “Sorry it took me so long to get to you.” His sincerity bled into me. I almost lost myself in those hypnotic eyes, and the power which rode along with his words.

  I shook my head a few times, clearing the vagueness which had descended. “It’s not a problem.” I pulled my arm free. “You’re not my keeper. Besides, we were doing okay on our own.”

  That smirk crossed his face again, and I noticed the quick circumnavigation his eyes did of the scene around us — the mangled fey bodies, the creatures snarling and trying to break past the magic barrier – and I thought, for a moment, there was a sign of strain, just very mild around his eyes. I was probably imagining it.

  Louis leaned in to whisper his last power-laden words. “Yes, you did very well on your own. Thankfully … they didn’t wake or it might have been a different tale.”

  I wasn’t even going to ask what they were. Right now I didn’t care.

  Just as I dropped my leg into the shimmery portal, I heard Braxton ask. “How much time has passed, Jake?”

  I swung my head around, leaving that leg hanging in the unknown. What did he mean? We’d only been here for like a day or so.

  “Almost three weeks.”

  Uh, what?

  “Time moves differently in Faerie land?” I was proud there wasn’t even the slightest waver in my voice.
r />   The Compasses both rested their gaze on me. Jacob was the one to answer. “Yes, time is much slower here, which is why the fey can live many more millennia on this world. We are practically immortal here, and yet there are so many dangers that our lives ended up being much longer on Earth.”

  I rubbed my right hand across my face, trying to arrange my thoughts into a semblance of order. “So the rise of the dragon king…”

  “Seven days,” Louis answered, with no extra frills.

  Holy hell. Schooling my features, I finished stepping through the portal. The trip back was more intense than usual for a step-through. I felt extreme pressure and a mild turbulence, but eventually I made it to the exit. I arrived back on the edge of the sanctuary-forest-zone from where I’d disappeared.

  I waited for the others to finish their journey back, and even though I was exhausted I didn’t let my guard down. I walked in a circle, keeping an eye on all angles, making sure nothing or no one got the drop on me. I wasn’t sure what the hell was going on with the jinn, but if they came for me again I needed to have a plan. But how was I supposed to find any helpful information on a race, that until this moment, I’d thought was no more than a supernatural fable?

  A shimmer appeared in the air right before Jacob exited the doorway. I reached out and captured his hand, holding it tightly in my own. I was so glad to see him again. Braxton was next, and Louis the last through. He’d have held the shield until the rest of us were safe.

  Braxton straightened to his full height, which was like somewhere in the clouds, his head shifting around as he took in the surroundings. He got right to business. “First thing, we need some rest, and then we have to deal with the potential future threat of the jinn.”

  He’d had the same thoughts as me.

  “A jinn sent you to Faerie?” Louis showed no surprise or fear in regards to the appearance of these ancient fey. Of course, he didn’t seem to fear anyone, so that wasn’t the best indicator.

  Braxton growled low in his chest. “Yes, it was a jinn. I just managed to grab on before she disappeared.”

  Louis’ expression didn’t change. I wasn’t sure he was grasping the true seriousness of the situation. “It was an elemental jinn.” My voice had a ring of challenge.

  Louis pushed back strands of his light hair. Something flashed across those eyes, but still his relaxed expression remained. If it was still there in a minute, I was punching it right off his face.

  “An elemental you say … well, there was no way lizard here just attached himself. That jinn allowed him to go with you.”

  I wasn’t denying that. I remembered the words the scary-ass thing had spoken. “It seemed to think I was dangerous and was sending me to Faerie to die.” I looked between my friends. “The Four said that dragon marked can’t die, so… what was that all about?”

  Louis answered: “Just because nothing on Earth can kill you, doesn’t mean nothing in Faerie can.”

  And suddenly the jinn’s actions moved up to another level of deadly.

  On that ominous note from Louis, we started to trudge toward the main part of the community. I was actually looking forward to the death ride up in the elevator, just so I could fall into bed. Even food wasn’t number one on my mind, although I wouldn’t say no to a piece of cake if it landed in front of me. My stomach rumbled then, as if it had been slumbering and my thoughts had awoken the beast.

  My eye started to roam over Jacob and Louis, as if I could discern their secrets with a glance. “Did you bring me any cake?”

  I growled and Jacob actually paused. “She’s got that look on her face again.” His tone was as wary as it should be in these circumstances.

  Louis’ laughter rang out, breaking whatever tension had been layering our group since we ran into each other in Faerie. Braxton even joined in, his deep tones sending those tingles down my spine. These two supernaturals were so powerful that to watch them together, well, it was beyond captivating. Jacob could hold his own with almost any other supe in the world, but he was not of the level of Braxton and Louis.

  With another chuckle, Louis waved his hand, and in the blink of an eye he was holding a medium sized white plate. Resting on it was heaven. Chocolate … and caramel … with flakes of dark chocolate coating the side.

  He held it out to me and I actually drooled a little. “I’m sure they won’t miss this in the dessert shop,” the sorcerer said, and he rapidly moved up my list of favorite people in the world. He might be in the top ten now.

  Wait a minute … there was a dessert shop?

  I pounced on the cake. The first bite crumbled in my mouth and I had to close my eyes. It was so good that it took every part of my control to not shove the entire thing in in one go. Rich creaminess danced across my tongue, the bitterness of dark chocolate tempered by the velvety ganache and caramel filling.

  Holy shit.

  My eyes flew open to find three males staring at me. Each expression was a little different, and I was reading a hell of a lot in those gazes.

  “You will be showing me which shop this comes from,” I warned Louis. He had created a monster. I was hooked.

  Jacob was the first to straighten. He looped an arm over my shoulder and pulled me into his side. “Come on, Jessa babe, it’s time for you to get some rest … and a shower wouldn’t go astray.”

  I elbowed him, although he definitely had a point. I smelled like old ass that had been left to sit in the sun for a week. We made quick work of the distance to our room. I finished the cake and Louis kindly disappeared the plate for me. He grinned when I asked him he wanted a tip. If this sorcerer thing didn’t work out, he had a very successful career in hospitality waiting for him.

  The ride up in the elevator was as horrible as always, but clenched hands were the only sign of my discomfort. I hoped anyway. I couldn’t wait to see the rest of my pack, and Mischa too. I’d actually missed my sister, she was working her way into my life.

  Exactly how it should have been over the years.

  Louis opened the door to our rooms. I didn’t bother to ask how he got himself onto the security. He was Louis, that was all I needed to know.

  The main living area was empty, the floor soft on my poor abused feet. I turned to Jacob. “Where is everyone?”

  “When Louis arrived, we were spending our time searching for you. He pretty quickly inferred that we were all dumbasses, and that you were most certainly in Faerie. I was the logical one to accompany him, since the land would recognize me as its own.”

  “Inferred,” the sorcerer murmured. “I’ll have to work on making myself clearer.”

  I ignored the idiocy in the room. “Are you telling me that the land could have started attacking us too?”

  Jacob gave two hard nods. “Yes.”

  Great! Sign me up for the all-inclusive week at Faerie land. Holiday from hell.

  I moved across the room and opened the door to the bedroom I shared with Mischa. It was empty. I poked my head back around the corner. “Where’s Mischa?”

  Jacob’s expression shuttered before recovering in almost the same moment. I narrowed my eyes on him. “Speak, Jake, or I’ll have Braxton beat it out of you.” I liked to fight my own battles, but with the Compasses, Braxton was the true threat.

  The fey ran a hand through his white hair. “Something happened while you were gone. We all kind of lost our shit and … things went down between Mischa and Max.” His full lips thinned. “Tension has been pretty high, and, well, she hasn’t been around much.”

  I couldn’t imagine my slightly timid sister wandering around this place on her own. What were they not telling me? I furrowed my brow and opened my mouth to blast the shit out of him, but Louis interrupted me before I could let loose.

  “She’s fallen in with the twins.”

  My heart stuttered in my chest. I almost wheezed as I tried to suck in my next breath.

  “What?” I stepped back toward the males in the living room, blinking a few times in rapid succession, tryi
ng to clear my thoughts. “You mean the twins who were breaking all of those marked out of the prisons? The twins who are trying to bring about the rise of the dragon king? The ancient twins who are probably manipulating Mischa without her even realizing it?”

  Holy fucking fuck. This was why I needed to stay here at all times, supes went stupid without me. I rubbed my temples, exhaustion pressing down on me. A weight only sleep could ease.

  I sighed. “Right now I’m useless. I need some rest. But we have to deal with this Mischa thing, she’s not used to our ways. If the twins were looking for a way to infiltrate our pack, she’s the weak link.”

  Braxton and I locked eyes, and I could read the same worry in his that I’m sure were reflected in mine.

  I got a sudden whiff of my own disgustingness, the scent tingling my senses and not in a good way. Definitely time for a shower.

  “I’m going to clean up,” I said, “and then before I hit the bed we need a game plan.”

  I turned back to enter my room, but paused as I heard a noise. I’d thought everyone was out, but someone was moving in the room Braxton and Maximus shared. I caught a familiar vamp scent.

  I dashed down the hall. I couldn’t wait to see my vampire. I’d missed him so much, and I knew he’d have been completely pissed and worried when both of us disappeared. It would be cruel to not let him know straight away that we were back.

  “Jess!” I heard Jacob yell for me, but I was already at the door.

  I flung it open and stepped into the dimly lit room. Only one bed was occupied, a sea of blankets piled up high. I had just a moment to wonder why the hell Maximus was in bed in the middle of the day before more scents hit me hard. I gasped as two heads popped up from the covers.

  My eyes had adjusted to the lack of light, so I recognized the tousled dirty blond hair of my best friend, and the tiny beauty queen vampire who’d taken Maximus away right before I’d disappeared. Cardia. They were intertwined, lingering traces of sex in the air. Sex and blood.

  Chapter 9

  I just stood there in the bedroom doorway, my hands hanging limply at my sides as I tried to process my emotions.