Dragon Marked: Supernatural Prison #1 Read online

Page 14

  Louis reached across the table and captured my hands in his.

  “Calm down, no one drank your drink. Well, actually, you drank it all not one minute ago.” His even voice did help my frazzled nerves, and drunk ass. “I had no idea about the marked. I believed, as do most of Stratford, that the marked are killed.” He freed his right hand and pushed back blond hair that had fallen across his forehead. “I don’t understand how this has been kept a secret.”

  I didn’t understand either. Clearly council members were not aware. Dad would definitely have told me. Was it just up to the hunters if they killed or captured? Was there another secret council that was higher ranked to make these decisions? I just had so many questions. But for right now there was a more pressing issue. I needed to use the restroom. I pushed back my chair and stood. The room spun and I reached out and gripped the side of the table.

  “Are you okay?” Louis was around my side in seconds, his arms lifting under me and helping me stand.

  “Yeah, just drunk,” I said. The room was still spinning and I needed air and to go home before I made a fool of myself. “I need Braxton. Can you get him to carry me home?”

  Louis face hardened then. His purple eyes turned stormy and gray. “I can take you.”

  I shook my head. “No, I don’t want you to see me like this. You were so nice making me dinner and … I might spew on your shoes.”

  He rubbed his eyes, and was definitely hiding a grin. “I don’t like that you’re running straight to the Compasses, but I get it. You don’t do intense, and frankly, I’m not ready for that either.” He whipped out his phone and hit a few buttons. Wow, all-powerful sorcerer knew how to text. “This was a nice start,” I heard him murmur.

  “Do you want my number?” I asked. “You can text me whenever you’re lonely. I, like, never have my phone, but I’ll check it once a day and reply.”

  I didn’t want him to feel alone anymore.

  He kissed my cheek. “I already have your number, and when you get home, mine will be in your contacts.”

  There was a knock on the door then. “Okay, two things,” I said as Louis led me through the house and helped me get my coat back on. “How did Braxton find you here and how the hell did he get here so fast?” My feet felt funny. I tripped and would have landed face first if strong arms didn’t surround me.

  I was lifted and I could feel the cool breeze as the door opened.

  “You were waiting for her?” Louis said to whomever was on the other side. My eyelids had decided they needed a little rest, so I couldn’t see who it was.

  “She’s my Jessa and I know nothing of you, sorcerer.” Braxton’s voice washed over me and with it came a sense of comfort. “What did you do to her?”

  “Stupid faerie wine,” I slurred. “Those little shits must have cast iron stomachs – oh wait, they’re allergic to iron.” I started laughing. That was hilarious.

  “How long has she been like this?” Braxton asked.

  Louis chuckled, his chest moving under me. “Long enough to be cute and entertaining. But I don’t want her to be sick; she needs fluids and rest. Next time I’ll shelve the fey wine for something less potent.”

  Braxton growled. “You’re pretty damn confident to think there will be a next time.”

  “Be nice,” I said, or slurred.

  Cold surrounded me as Louis lifted me away from his body and then I was in the strong, familiar arms of my best friend. His massive chest cradled me and heat flashed along all parts of my body touching him. I opened my eyes to meet his amused expression.

  “You’re so hot,” I said, patting his shoulder.

  “Holy damn, I need to keep her away from the others,” Braxton laughed. “They’ve never seen Jessa drunk. They might be tempted to take advantage of this.”

  Louis’ words were short. “Yes, as I said, very cute.” He reached out and grazed my cheek. “Stay safe and I’ll text you. Thank you for tonight.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said. A few tears sprinkled my eyes. “I wasn’t a very good date and you cooked and everything was so perfect.” My babbling trailed off as more tears slipped down my cheeks.

  I buried my face in Braxton’s chest. “I’m a mess.”

  “I’m taking her home now,” Braxton’s said, and he started moving before I could thank Louis again. “I’ve got my eye on you, sorcerer,” I heard him murmur.

  We crossed out of the secret waterfall alcove and back through the industrial area.

  Braxton sounded amused as he strode without effort. “Louis said you requested I carry you home.”

  “Yeah, it’s a pretty long way and I’d be too heavy for anyone else.” I wiggled against his rock hard body. “Wait, am I too heavy for you?”

  He tightened his hold on me. “No, Jess, you’re perfect.”

  I studied the flawless planes of his face. Maybe it was the alcohol but he looked different tonight. He wasn’t clean shaven, like usual, which seemed to increase the bad-boy façade he wore so effortlessly.

  “Why were you so close to Louis’ place?” I asked, as he looked down and caught my eye.

  He examined me, I could tell he was carefully considering his next words. “Louis is very powerful. There’s nothing I could say to make him fear me, and therefore I couldn’t be sure he didn’t mean you harm on this date.”

  “You were protecting me?” My voice was low. Emotions started bubbling up inside of me, overwhelming emotions.

  “Always,” he said.

  My heart was racing in pitter-pattering beats. I’d never heard Braxton use a tone like that, but before I could think too much on it, his smooth movements sent me off into la-la land.

  Chapter 10


  A shrill voice penetrated the haze in my head … my pounding, aching, heavy head. I was not opening my eyes yet, I just knew that would end up with me barfing everywhere. Instead I attempted to moisten my dry mouth.

  “Water,” I croaked.

  The annoying presence left and then my nose caught up and I realized it was Mischa.

  “Here,” she said upon returning. I felt cool condensation coat my hand as I wrapped my fingers around the smooth glass.

  “Thank you.” I lifted it up. I still couldn’t move my head or open my eyes, so I tipped back, aiming for my mouth.

  “Argh!” I shrieked as I poured the entire glass onto my face. I spluttered a little, trying not to drown.

  I heard the distinct huskiness of Maximus’ voice: “Damn.” Then strong arms were lifting me, water droplets flying everywhere.

  I pried open one eye, and through the pain and light haze I noticed the room was filled with my grinning pack.

  “What the freaking hell are you all doing here?” I slurred. If Maximus wasn’t lifting me I’d have fallen down.

  “I figured out how to shift.” I winced at how enthusiastic Mischa was, her voice rising to a pitch that should have been outlawed in my presence. “And you’ll be relieved to know I’m wolf, not dragon.”

  She had no idea how relieved I actually was to hear that.

  “And we think we have found the entrance to the prison,” Jacob said, distracting my muddled thoughts. I was thankful that he kept his voice low.

  Damn, I had to pull myself together. “Bloody sorcerer and fey wine. Curse them both to hell,” I said as I started to struggle in Maximus’ arms. “Let me down, I need to shower.”

  He sounded amused. “I’m not sure that’s a great idea.” Asshole.

  I kicked out, connecting with his side. With a groan he gently dropped me down to my feet. I still only had one eye opened, but I was in the Compass’ house and I could have found the bathroom with my eyes closed. I took a single step and then suddenly the ground was moving closer to me. Weird. My face was about two inches from becoming very acquainted with the carpet when I was scooped up again. Different arms this time, Braxton had me.

  “I’ll deal with Jessa, you all get everything ready and make sure you okay Mischa coming with
her parents.” He shifted me higher. “I don’t need to deal with a pissed off Jonathon.”

  “Hey!” Mischa’s screeching started again, and if I could have moved I’d have punched her right in the mouth. “I don’t need permission, I’m an adult.”

  Tyson spoke this time. “No you’re not. Technically, anyways. We don’t graduate until we are twenty-five, and my calculations have you at twenty.”

  I remembered they didn’t know we were twins, thinking Mischa was even younger than the rest of us. I managed to get both eyes partly open and I clashed with twin beams of green fury. She was not a happy camper.

  “Misch, just go and get permission. Dad knows the deal, and if you can demonstrate your ability to shift and control some aspect of your power, there is no reason he will deny you.”

  Almost all of my sentence was clear and legible. There was absolutely no need for everyone in the room to burst into laughter.

  “Damn, this is almost as entertaining as she was last night. Don’t forget to show her that video we took, Brax.” Jacob ruffled my hair as he left the room. Everyone else followed suit, leaving just me and Braxton in the bedroom.

  “Video...?” I narrowed my already squinty eyes and glared up into Braxton’s face. “He better be kidding.”

  “Relax, little wolf, he’s kidding. I would never let them take advantage of you in a vulnerable position. I know the best friend rules. We signed them in blood fifteen years ago.”

  Braxton and I had made a pact, and so far neither of us had broken any of the rules. Which had included no kissing between friends, no embarrassing videos to be taken, immediate assistance with hiding a dead body – no questions asked – and a few others which may or may not have included naked body parts.

  “Right now I need to get you sobered up, hangover free, and able to help me find Nash.” The air crackled from his intensity and I could tell it was eating away at him not to have freed the boy yet. “I need you, Jessa.”

  If any words were going to act as a shot of adrenalin, it was those. Generally Braxton was the one giving help, and he never asked for anything. He was too tough to rely on anyone other than himself.

  “Shower,” I said, patting his arm.

  He carried me into the room and hit the lever, turning it all the way to hard and cold. I was about to protest when he dumped me straight in, clothes and all. My shaky limbs collapsed under me as the icy water washed away the last of my haze.

  “You’re an asshat,” I groaned, hugging my legs.

  He just laughed before reaching above me and shifting the lever to allow warmth to enter the stream.

  “Will you be okay while I grab some food, clothes and herbs?”

  I nodded. “Yes, I think I can manage not to drown in the shower.”

  I wanted to close my eyes – anything to halt the ache pounding away in my skull, but I forced myself to stay awake, shaking out my limbs and kicking my metabolism into gear so it could wipe the last of the fey wine from my system. I managed to stand after ten minutes and stripped off my soaking clothes. I brushed my teeth twice, then succeeded in washing myself, and my hair. The door opened just as I was rinsing the last of the soap from me.

  “Everything is sitting on the sink,” Braxton said. “Call for me if you think you’re going to fall.” He closed the door again.

  I shut off the water, opened the glass door and stepped out to grab the towel. Thankfully, my legs barely shook. I wrapped the massive length around myself twice before walking across to the wooden bench. Everything was piled neatly. First thing, I lifted the murky glass of green. Human-made pharmaceuticals do not mix well with supernaturals, but we had plenty of herbal concoctions that helped nature heal our bodies. I downed the liquid and the relief was almost instantaneous. The pounding halted and the daggers which had been stabbing into the corners of my eyes abated. Feeling much more normal, I pulled on underwear and then my usual form-fitting jeans, and a long-sleeved thermal top.

  Meanwhile I was munching on the thick bread sandwich – large slabs of rare beef, with relish and cheese filling. I groaned as the deliciousness coated my tongue.

  “Come on, Jessa, you can finish your sandwich while we get moving.”

  I had to chuckle. Groaning sounds from the bathroom … well, anyone else would be thinking I was really enjoying myself in here, but Braxton knew me too well. Food, how I love thee.

  Before leaving, I pulled my long hair back into a ponytail. The mirror was not my friend right now. I avoided looking too long at my pale, strained features.

  “I’m killing that fucking sorcerer,” I muttered as I wrenched open the door and left the room, half of my sandwich clenched tightly in my hand. As if I’d summoned him with my angry words, there was a knock on the door and Louis entered the room.

  “Not my worst welcome,” he said. His white smile hurt my eyes. He was so goddamn cheery, which was making me feel a little murderous.

  “What do you want?” I snarled. I was not my best in the morning and hung-over made it a lot worse.

  His grin did not waver. “I thought you might need a bit of relief this morning,” he said.

  Braxton was on his feet and between the sorcerer and me faster than I could blink.

  “I’m hoping you mean of the magical-hangover-cure variety,” I said, moving around the mound of muscled dragon shifter. “Because my sense of humor seems to have temporarily fled the building.”

  And so apparently had Braxton’s.

  Louis showed not one ounce of concern. “Relax, guard lizard. I know the strength of the fey wine. I should have realized Jessa would not be accustomed to it. I don’t like that due to my oversight she suffers this morning.”

  Stepping closer to me, he lifted both hands to hover on either side of my head. “May I?” His eyes bore into mine. I swallowed loudly before nodding.

  He cradled my head. I closed my eyes to escape the probing intensity of his gaze. An immediate warmth flooded me, hot enough to be unnatural but not quite burning. This warmth washed away any lingering effect of the wine and I felt myself again. In fact, as he finished and removed his hands, I realized I felt fantastic. My eyelids lifted and there was no more pain or stabbing. I threw my arms around him.

  “Thank you. That was like coffee, only a million times better.”

  His expression was unreadable when I pulled back. “You’re welcome, Jessa. I’ll see you around.” He left just as silently as he’d arrived.

  I schooled my features as I faced the grim Braxton. “Let’s go find the others,” I managed to murmur as I shoved the rest of my sandwich in my mouth.

  Braxton examined me, his face kind of blank, but his eyes were alive. Then he exhaled in a visible motion and strode out the door. I followed along, having no idea what was pissing him off. We walked in silence through the quiet, cool, morning forest. It was tranquil, and yet at the same time a plethora of noises flooded through the shrubbery. Braxton was marching along, his face still sort of expressionless, but … that light in his eyes, that happened when he was seriously contemplating something.

  I broke the quiet. I never could stand that uncomfortable silence between friends. “You worried? About Nash?”

  His head flicked around and the slight widening of his eyes surprised me. My question seemed to have jolted him into remembering Nash. He clearly had not been thinking of the little boy. And just like that he was back on point and focused on the mission.

  His pace increased. “Come on, Jess, let’s move it.”

  I had to jog to keep up with him. We found the rest of our group in a small clearing to the western end of the forest. Mischa was there, so I guessed Jonathon had caved. Braxton, Mischa and I were dressed in simple, warm and easy to shed clothes. The other Compasses were in army style fatigues, form fitted so as not to catch on anything and in dark colors to blend in.

  Jacob grinned at me. “Nice. You look like my Jessa again, and not like moldy old ass.” The fey’s white-blond hair was glistening in the slivers of sunlight pe
netrating the gloom.

  I flipped him off as a reply.

  “Harsh, man,” Tyson piped up. “It was more like drunken chicken ass.”

  I refrained from kicking him in the ribs, which is what I wanted to do. “Ha ha hardy har. You’re all freakin’ comedians. Let’s get this show on the road.”

  Braxton pulled us in close. “We have one shot to do this, the entrance moves in twelve hours. I don’t want any heroes. Follow my lead. I’m in command here.”

  He pointed a finger at Tyson. “For once you’re just going to have to suck it up and listen to someone else.”

  The wizard middle-finger-saluted him in reply, but I knew in the end he’d have his brother’s back. Maximus stepped up to Braxton’s side. As always those two were extra close. They had the same sort of badass personality where you knew if they wanted they could destroy you. Not that Jacob and Tyson weren’t badasses, they were. It was just that they joked around more, so you thought they were easier going. It was a great cloaking ability they’d developed. Braxton and Maximus had no cloak. What you saw was what you got.

  “Mischa, stay close to me or Jessa,” I heard Maximus murmur. “If things get out of control, I expect you to bail. Don’t you worry about the rest of us, save your own ass.” With a sigh he flicked his head in my direction. “I won’t even bother to give you the same orders, Jess, I know you won’t listen.”

  I shrugged. Damn right I wouldn’t listen, I’d never bail on the Compasses. Never. Death would take me first.

  Braxton encased me in strong, warm arms. It was a brief hug but … unexpected.

  “What was that for?” I asked as he pulled back. I blinked a few times, trying to get my heartbeat under control again.

  “Because you’re … damned amazing. And my life is better with you in it,” he said. “But if you sacrifice yourself for any of us I’ll be pissed off, and you don’t want to see me pissed off.”

  I snorted. “I’ve seen you pissed off more times than I’ve seen myself naked.”

  He blinked a few times, those beautiful blue eyes glinting as he stepped closer. “Nope, you’ve only ever seen me … annoyed. I repeat: you don’t want to see me pissed off.”