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Dragon Marked: Supernatural Prison #1 Page 17

  I reached the convergence spot and sighed in relief as my hand entered to the other side. The portal still existed. I licked my dry lips, and without pause leaned forward to dive in headfirst. My hands had just entered when something gripped my ankles and yanked me backwards.

  Chapter 12

  I was dragged for about five meters before the grip loosened on my legs. I flipped over immediately. I couldn’t fight what I couldn’t see.

  I froze. Well, I was in some big-ass trouble.

  Four guards stood above me, the gray of their uniform indicating they were part of the perimeter patrol. I swear to freaking God I had not even heard them approach, and even this close I could not scent any of them. They were cloaked somehow and deathly quiet as they stared down at me. Two of them clutched whips in their hands, the others had batons. I could see guns on their hips, but at least they didn’t have them drawn yet.

  The stare off continued, and I wondered what they were waiting for. Then a fifth came into view, holding a struggling Mischa in his arms.

  “Let me go,” she snarled.

  Wow, little kitty had some wolf claws after all. I wanted to tell her struggling was useless, these were highly trained guards and we were outnumbered. Plus, they’d seen us, and everyone knew who we were.

  One of the vampires lifted his head in my direction. “On your feet, hands behind your back.” His thick bushy eyebrows narrowed under the brim of his gray cap. “And don’t try anything stupid. I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if you push me.”

  Mischa had stopped struggling at this point. She was breathing deep, her eyes wide and shocked as she stared at me. I placed my hands flat on the ground and pushed myself up to stand. I winced as some of the grazes on my legs protested; that drag across the ground had knocked me around a bit. I placed my hands behind my back.

  One of the guards crossed behind me and I felt the straps clips across my wrists. Immediately, a buzzing sensation flowed down my body, like a veil had fallen along my skin, and I couldn’t touch my energy inside. My wolf and demon were still there, but they were muted. There was a barrier between us now and I knew I wouldn’t be able to shift.

  The sensation had me wanting to cry my eyes out. But I didn’t, this was not the time to fall apart. Mischa put up no more resistance as they cuffed her also, as if she had stopped fighting the moment she saw me. Or maybe it was my own lack of fight that had paused hers. The five guards surrounded us and we were marched at a rapid clip back across the space and through the tunnel.

  Weird. They were taking us into the forest.

  We emerged in a different section than where we had entered. The forest was thinner, less dense here. And there was a man waiting for us in a small clearing. Kristoff.


  The guards marched us across, and the entire way I stared at the smirking features of the sorcerer. Evil bastard.

  His hands were clasped across his chest. He lifted one of them and halted us about four feet from him. “I couldn’t quite believe it when the guards contacted the council to let us know they’d detained you two. It seems as if this might be my lucky day. The Lebrons are going to prison.”

  I didn’t say anything. My mood was somewhere between depressed and shitted off. Not only had I not managed to save those prisoners, I was now in a truckload of shit. And so was Mischa.

  “How I wish I could just throw you in there and let everyone think you’d disappeared, but I swore an oath from the council, and you will get your trial. Of course, I can resign myself to the fact that you’ll be spending at least a week in Vanguard. Knowing how popular your father is, well, someone will probably take care of my little problem.”

  Jonathon had spent many years capturing supernatural crims and throwing them into the prison. Fear flooded me; there was every chance that if I went into Vanguard I would never come out again. Adrenalin replaced the fear; the urge to fight or flight was strong. But with my hands cuffed there wasn’t much I could do.

  Kristoff continued to stare, this intense sort of energy vibrating from him. With a head tilt he leaned right in close to my ear, away from Mischa so she wouldn’t hear.

  “You were my next intended victim as a frame for the Compasses, killing two birds with one stone. Literally. But now, well, I won’t have to get my hands dirty again.”

  Hold up a freaking minute. Was creepster here actually admitting that he’d killed Markus and framed the Compasses?

  I was distracted then, my head spinning to the side as intense thrashing could be heard through this section of the forest. The thundering and tearing indicated something large was heading in our direction. Mischa and I both jumped as more noises exploded. Something really large. Then they burst into the clearing.

  The Compasses.

  Mischa’s voice shook as she turned her head to find my gaze. “I’m thinking we might be seeing the angry Braxton.”

  The guards tightened up around Kristoff, their first duty to protect the council leader.

  I couldn’t answer Mischa, I was pinned to the spot, unable to move, and unable to pull my eyes from the dragon coming my way. A very familiar dragon. And yet Braxton was also very different. A flame coated his scaled body, blue, intense. Even from the distance between us I could feel the heat billowing off. It was spectacular, lighting up the darkness beneath the canopy. But it also gave him an otherworldly look I’d never experienced before.

  Something uncoiled inside my chest. The demon was starting to wake. But it couldn’t do more than bash at its invisible cage, the magical cuffs keeping it contained. I was almost grateful to have the chains. I wasn’t sure in that moment if I could have stopped it bursting from my skin and doing whatever it had been trying to for twenty-two years.

  As they marched closer, Braxton continued to call the dark energy inside of me. I worried it would no longer be contained.

  Mischa stuttered out her words: “S-something is happening inside … feels like my wolf fighting. Only it’s not her.”

  I couldn’t tear my gaze from Braxton, his dragon had never called the demon before, it must have something to do with the blue flames. And it sounded like my twin had a demon inside too, which was most probably about our marks. We needed more information on what was going to happen. Clearly dragon marks responded to dragon shifters.

  “Jessa!” Maximus’ bellow was loud, roar-like. He looked to be pretty vamped out, his eyes black, hair blonder, fangs fully extended. The pissed off aura he was throwing around could be felt even across the distance. “Don’t say anything to … annoy … Braxton. He’s not himself.”

  Thank you, very helpful. I could see that for my freaking self.

  Okay, I’d heed his warning and tread carefully with the dragon shifter. Only problem, my demon was dragging me closer, my feet starting to move of their own accord. Mischa was right beside me. I could see that Jacob, Tyson and Maximus were trying to get around their brother and reach us first, but Braxton snarled and shot flames every time they moved out from behind him.

  As the quads moved closer, Kristoff and the guards dived off the path, hightailing it for safety, leaving Mischa and I in a very vulnerable position, still cuffed with our energy contained.

  Just when I wasn’t sure I could stand Braxton’s pull any longer, the flaming dragon paused. As he stilled, the dead foliage around him started to burn. Jacob was keeping it under control with some water energy. Then with a glow and flash of light, Braxton started to shift back.

  No longer dragon, he was now all magnificent man. A very naked man. I ran my eyes over him. Damn … maybe magnificent was an understatement. I forced my gaze upwards, thankful that the pull inside of me had lessened, the heat that had been racing through my limbs and into my veins abating.

  Mischa leaned forward, visibly shaken, her breathing ragged. “What the hell was that?”

  “I don’t know,” I murmured.

  The men were almost to us now, and thankfully Braxton had put on some shorts. Although the rest of his heavily m
uscled body was free to be devoured by my greedy eyes. Holy shit-balls, I was acting like I’d never seen him shirtless before. I guess it had been a while. But it looked as if the man had muscles on muscles. There was so much of his delicious, creamy expanses of dark tanned skin on display. It was safe to say I’d never been quite as aware of him as a man as I was right then. Although the look on his face had me wanting to run as fast as I could in the opposite direction.

  The four of them surrounded us. Points of a compass, like their namesakes.

  Braxton’s voice was low, smooth, but not like his usual tone. “Tell us everything.”

  I attempted to swallow the lump in my throat. It was going to be impossible to talk around it, but I couldn’t seem to find enough moisture in my mouth.

  No one moved, and finally Mischa spoke.

  “We went back, we were going to rescue the rest of the prisoners.” She lowered her eyes. “They caught us before we even made it inside.”

  Three sets of narrowed eyes locked in on her, but Braxton’s remained on me and I was still frozen.

  Mischa had both hands in front of her, pleading with them to understand. “They had babies, we had to at least try.”

  Jacob groaned. I noted that his hair looked disheveled. Green eyes wide and a little wild. Usually the fey was very smooth and together. But not right now. In fact all of the boys looked out of sorts. Tyson’s eyes were gold, which was never a good sign.

  Finally I found my voice. “I’m sorry, I should have told you. I couldn’t leave them there.” It was killing me right now to think that those poor souls were still in that disgusting room. I squeezed my eyes closed tightly. I was a freaking failure. I’d failed those babies.

  Braxton reacted then, as if my voice had cracked the anger he’d been projecting hard enough to break something. He moved faster than I could see and I was in his arms. He was everywhere, his expanses of silky skin pressing into mine and his heat encompassing me whole. The hug was hard, almost to the point of pain, but still there was a tenderness to the embrace. He could have crushed me in an instant if he wanted to. Instead he held me as if I was precious. I wanted to wrap my arms around him, offer some comfort, but of course the cuffed hands made that difficult.

  “If you ever do something like this again,” he murmured, “I will fucking kill you, Jessa.”

  I pulled back, unsure if he was kidding or not. His expression wasn’t giving much away.

  Tyson’s head flew up then, golden eyes gleaming in the half light, although they were starting to bleed back to their honeysuckle color. Jacob’s head followed.

  “The rest of the council members are coming,” they both said together.

  Kristoff must have run off and gathered the others. He would have needed their power to even have a hope of stopping the Compasses.

  Speaking of, I needed to tell them something. “Listen, I don’t know if he was talking shit or not, but Kristoff just pretty much admitted to me that he framed you four, sending you into Vanguard. I don’t think his plan is over yet, you have to watch your backs.” I needed them to be extra careful. They were so confident, they thought they could never be taken down.

  Tyson nudged me gently. “Two steps in front of you, babe. Jonathon told us they’re gathering evidence against Kristoff. Have been since the trial. Apparently he used the fey to kill the vampire. They had the sucker stored until they could set up the scene, but then the fey had second thoughts, so Kristoff had him killed also. It’s all starting to unravel for him, we’re going to nail his ass soon.”

  I took a step back to see them all better. “Dad … and you all have been investigating him? Why didn’t you tell me? And why did he do such a bad job with the crime scene.”

  Maximus narrowed his eyes, his fangs had retracted enough for him to speak clearly again. “We do not want you involved in this. It’s dangerous and Kristoff is desperate to keep his role as council leader. In reality, the frame job was not too bad. If we hadn’t had Louis step in and gather that magical evidence, well, it probably wouldn’t have went our way.”

  I blinked a few times. “It doesn’t make sense though, if it’s not you as leaders they’ll just bring in someone else.”

  “Apparently there’s an old law: if they can usurp three of the five council members, then a vote can be taken to extend out the current rule another term,” Maximus said. “He’d have an even better chance if he got rid of four of the five.”

  I’d never heard of that law. But if it was correct, then if Kristoff imprisoned or killed the Compasses, he’d have removed the majority and could rule for another twenty-five years. Our conversations were cut off as the power of the leaders washed over us.

  Braxton moved close enough for me to feel the heat of his skin. “What do you want to do now?” he asked. “If you want to run, hide, or fight. We have your back.”

  The other Compasses nodded. My heart filled and overflowed in the form of a few tears. Which thankfully I got under control immediately. Jonathon was wrong. I’d never believe my boys would hunt me one day, dragon marked or not. Never.

  “I don’t want to run or fight. Not yet at least. If I’m found guilty at trial … well, that’s a different story.”

  Mischa nodded, scooting closer to me. “Yes, we’ll face the punishment.”

  Power was scooting through the forest now. I could feel the five races mingling, which was the mark of the leaders. The group stepped into view. There was at least ten of them now, with the council and the guards who had detained us. The Compasses moved in front of us, leaving only small gaps between each of them, effectively blocking us from the group.

  “How did you all know we were back so fast?” I asked their broad backs.

  Maximus swung his head and found my gaze. “Ty had an alert set up for you.”

  “The council did the same, but mine’s bigger … I mean faster.” Tyson definitely had a grin on his face, I could hear it in his voice. Cocky mage.

  “Why did you come in dragon mode?” I asked Braxton’s broad, bare back. “And what was with the flame?”

  He didn’t answer me, his gaze firmly locked on the council. I peered around his side and was relieved to see Jonathon front and center, Lienda at his side.

  Tyson distracted me. “Braxton’s been in his flaming dragon form since the doorway shut without you and Mischa.”

  The last part was muttered, his voice low and strained. I had caused them a lot of stress with my little stunt. No doubts they’d try to exact some form of punishment at a later date.

  Kristoff edged his way forward to speak. “Jessa and Mischa of the Lebron wolf shifters.”

  My mom and my twin had dropped Jackson and went by Lebron now. They were officially part of the family.

  “You are charged with infiltrating Vanguard, the American supernatural prison. You will be escorted to the prison now and there will be a trial in seven days.”

  I stepped forward, nudging my way through the Compasses. Braxton reached out and captured my arm, preventing me moving further forward than that. Actually, he was trying to shift me behind his back, but I wasn’t budging.

  “Mischa only came in to stop me,” I said. No reason we both had to go down. “She is innocent of this charge.”

  “Jessa!” my father’s bellow was loud and filled with power. “Do not say one more thing.”

  I shut my mouth because I knew when he meant business.

  Jonathon faced his fellow council members. “Lienda and I need a minute with our daughters before anything is decided. You’ve outvoted me on their imprisonment, but I would like to ask a few questions before they’re taken.”

  No one but Kristoff objected to this, so our parents crossed the space between us. When he reached my side Jonathon enclosed me in a hug. We stepped back behind the Compass line of men. He then pulled Lienda and Mischa in with his other arm. We were a Lebron puppy pile.

  “What happened?” Jonathon’s voice was so low I could barely hear him.

  I swallowed
my angry tears. “There’s a secret room in Vanguard filled with … babies … kids, every age and race. It was disgusting.” I spat the last part. “We were going back in to save them.”

  “Are they dragon marked?” he asked, close to my face.

  I shook out my hair. “I don’t know, I didn’t see any marks, but we were only in there for a moment.”

  Lienda had her face clenched so hard, her nails were cutting into her cheeks. “We can’t let them go into the prison, Jon. They will be targeted.”

  Mischa paled. “Kristoff said the same thing … why are we going to be targeted?”

  Our parents seemed to be doing some loud, rapid breathing exercise, so I answered for her. “Dad was the wolf-pack alpha long before he became council leader. He’s been instrumental in imprisoning a lot of criminals that are in Vanguard. It won’t take long before the shifters scent us and know we are Lebrons. Then they’re going to find us and exact their revenge.”

  I’d already resigned myself to this fate, but poor Mischa looked as if I’d punched her in the face.

  “We’re dead,” she murmured.

  “I won’t let that happen,” Jonathon said. “I have some pull with the guards, I’ll make sure they look after you.”

  We all knew they couldn’t stay on our asses all day and night. Eventually they’d have to step away, or lose concentration for a few minutes, and that’s when we’d be hit. We might only be in there for seven days – I had no doubts they’d make the charges disappear at the trial – but seven full days could be an awful long time.

  Braxton got right into my personal space then. “I won’t let this happen. I will be dead and buried before you end up in that prison.”

  I reached out and rested my head against his right biceps. I could feel the strength beneath my cheek, and the vibration of his anger as it trilled through him.

  “I have no choice, Brax. I don’t want to run like a criminal for the rest of my life. I need you all to focus on the trial, and bring Louis in to help. Make sure these charges disappear, figure out a way so the book can’t convict us. Pretend like we accidentally stumbled into Vanguard and got lost or something.”