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Dragon Mystics: Supernatural Prison #2 Page 2

  “Nothing. It’s as if this has never been touched by magic. No spell residue, no trace marks of Louis. How the fuck does he manage to do that?”

  Braxton growled. “He’s a sorcerer without an equal, and I can’t wait to beat his ass into the ground.”

  Someone was still a little pissed about the whole knock-out-kidnap-onto-a-plane plan.

  Maximus caught my eye and I was reminded that I needed to tell Jacob and Tyson about my secret. But now wasn’t the time. I didn’t trust Grace enough to reveal something like that. Yes, I had known the witch healer for a long time – she grew up in Stratford – and I’d been okay revealing on the plane that Mischa and I were twins, and that we were dragon marked. But my dragon shifting abilities … they were a whole other level of top-secret.

  My wolf started to paw inside of me, getting a little fidgety. I was not happy being stuck in this car at the moment. I needed to run, I needed freedom.

  “Can you drive for a bit, Brax?”

  He didn’t question me, he just shifted out of park and eased the vehicle forward. It was probably a craptastic idea to drive with a car this packed, but it was drive or I was going to lose my shit. Mischa and Braxton, as shifters, would be feeling the urge too.

  The storm had eased again. We cut through the soft snow without issue, ending up back on the mountain path.

  “Sorry, Jessa babe, I can’t help with this.” Tyson handed me back the letter, his voice rough as he cursed a few more times.

  I sighed, smoothing out the paper. It was strange – it had been folded, crumpled, and handled over and over, but still … it looked perfect. Definitely infused with magic.

  We continued climbing higher, and I hoped we’d find a place to turn around. Otherwise I was shifting into a wolf and running my ass back to the other car. As I had that thought, the parchment caught my eye. Was it starting to glow? Very slowly it lit up, and after a minute there was no denying the brightness.

  Braxton was tuned in to me. “What is it, Jess?” His eyes met mine in the rearview mirror.

  I returned my attention to the letter again. “Keep driving,” I said.

  Jacob leaned in around me and together we stared at the glowing note. As we traveled a little further, the road dipping down and then up again to wind through the valleys and peaks, golden words began to write themselves across the paper.

  You’re on the right path. This is the road to the sanctuary, which at the end holds the answers. Follow the trail until you reach the barrier, and make sure that Jessa is the one to cross the border. She must vouch for the others or they will be rejected by the protections. Show them the mark. Password is in Romanian. Misticii Dragonilor: Dragon Mystics.

  I locked eyes with Jacob. Both of us wore the same expression … what the effing fuck was this sorcerer up to? And what were dragon mystics?

  “Jess, Jake…?” From Braxton’s tone I knew he was at the end of his patience.

  “Shit, sorry! The note has writing on it again,” I said into the silence of the car.

  Jacob ended up reading the letter to them – his Romanian sounded pretty sweet on the password part – I was too busy rereading the note trying to glean every facet of information from Louis’ message.

  Maximus drew my attention. “So we just keep following this road?”

  I didn’t answer right away, using my time to alternate between watching the mountain road and looking down at the note. I was expecting it, and sure enough a map started to appear along the space at the bottom.

  “Yes, just keep on this path,” I finally said, leaning my head out between Braxton and Maximus.

  Of course, once I was this close to the dragon shifter I couldn’t help myself, his scent drew me closer. Before I knew it I was pretty much snuggled into his face. What can I say? I was needing some comfort, and he was the best.

  “You okay?” His low grumbly tone washed over me.

  I nodded. “I just want this month to be over. I need to know if I’m going to be running and hiding for eternity, and, on a side note, this thousand year anniversary can just go screw itself. I’m over waiting to see what will happen with the dragon king…”

  A shimmer caught my eye. “There!” Mischa and I yelled at the same time.

  Everyone else in the car swung their heads to stare out the left side.

  The opening in the side of the mountain had appeared out of nowhere. And I would bet my last piece of cake – no, wait not my cake – I’d bet the quads’ last piece of cake that a human would never have seen a thing. It had that golden sheen over the entrance, the same type which protected Stratford and deterred any but supernaturals from entering.

  “What did you see?” Maximus’s brow was wrinkled, his brown eyes darting around.

  I glanced at the rest of the car’s occupants. Everyone but Mischa and I looked confused.

  “It’s right there,” I said, turning back to the glow. I even pointed this time so there was no way they could miss it. If Braxton didn’t slow soon we were going to drive right past.

  I wrapped my arm across his massive chest. “Stop the car, Brax.”

  I had a strong suspicion I knew what was going on now. Since no one but Mischa and I could see this entrance, it had to have something to do with the dragon mark. This was what Louis’ note meant about following my lead. We were going to have to guide the others in.

  Although, considering Mischa had little training and was not connected to her dragon – if she had one – I was going to be the one going in.

  Braxton pulled the car over to the edge of the road, onto a small graveled area with just enough room for our SUV. Actually, we were still half on the road, but it was the best we had right now.

  “What’s going on, Jess?” He captured my gaze, and I knew without any doubt that he was going to fight me on this.

  I brought my face very close to his. I could see every facet of his stunning blue eyes, a color which had haunted my dreams of late, for more than one reason. “I need you to trust me. I’m going to have to do something you won’t like.”

  His reply was instant. “No fucking way!” The dragon in him rose to the forefront and I could see the unmovable beast that was such a part of his personality. “You step one foot out of this car and we're going to have an issue.”

  My own dragon and wolf responded in kind. We did not like being dictated to, even if I knew it was because he loved me and didn't want danger slithering its slimy ass anywhere in my vicinity. I think, if he could, Braxton would have wrapped me in cotton wool and secured me in a remote location.

  I caught Maximus’ eye, and with a sigh he gave me an almost imperceptible nod. While my vamp’s features had tightened, I knew he would back me on this. Mainly because he was not exactly aware of my full plan. I leaned forward, and before Braxton could reach for me I kissed him a solid smack on the cheek, flung my door open, and dived off of Jacob’s lap.

  Braxton’s curses rang free. I didn’t look back. Maximus would be using his bulk to detain his brother. I wouldn’t have long, no one could hold Braxton down, but hopefully it was enough time. I didn’t want to do this, running into the unknown without my pack, but Louis’ note made it clear: it had to be me. And I didn’t feel like sitting through the six hours of arguing it would take before the Compasses grudgingly agreed to let me go. Action was better.

  Okay, and maybe my wolf was feeling a little reckless after the many hours of being cooped up.

  The cold was icy enough to take my breath away, but my metabolism kicked in and heat followed the rush of blood through my body. The car had stopped about ten yards from the small opening into the mountain. The golden glow gave me a moment’s pause, but I trusted that Louis wouldn’t have sent me into anything too crazy.


  I hit the barrier, and before I knew what was happening I was sucked through to the other side. Unfortunately, I didn’t end up landing on my feet. I was strung upside down, my body constricted in a netting which was too strong to break.
r />   My mind flashed to the letter and I decided now was the time to speak the password or forever be strung up like a piece of meat. Without thinking twice I said:

  “Misticii dragonilor.”

  Chapter 2

  The glow surrounding me made everything too bright for me to see clearly. The netting did not ease. If anything, the longer I hung there the tighter the constrictions felt. I was starting to get pissed off, and now was not the time for additional restrictions; my wolf was already cranky about the hours of travel and car time. She was ready to change, and she pretty much wanted to tear a few fresh ass-holes in anyone stupid enough to push us.

  I was really hoping someone pushed us when I got free.

  The frustrations riding me needed to go somewhere; it was taking all of my concentration to keep hold of my dragon. Luckily, I still retained enough mental capacity to remember that the Four were after me. I could not alert them to my location. They seemed to require close proximity, but they had told me that sometimes they felt strong dragon marked powers from anywhere in the world. And I knew mine were strong.

  “Misticii dragonilor!”

  I snarled the password this time, wondering if my stumbling Romanian was the reason nothing had happened earlier.

  The light flared, and within my next exhalation I was freed. In the six foot drop, I managed to flip myself over and land smoothly on my feet — supernatural genetics were not just about pretty looks. My head shot up and I clashed eyes with a robed man, the dark blue of his hooded attire blending into the gray stone tunnel we were in.

  He was quiet as he examined me. I made no sudden movements, except to straighten so I was no longer crouched. I was five-feet-four; he was about six inches taller than me. Which I didn’t like. A few low growls rumbled my chest.

  I loathed to be the first to speak – you know, alpha-domination and all that – but I had to protect my pack. “I need safe harbor for myself and my six friends.” My words were hard; contrition just wasn’t in my personality.

  The male unfurled his arms. I was getting a weird vibe from his energy. He seemed to be fey, but also … something else … and I did not want to be around anything unknown. I tensed, preparing myself. It didn’t seem he was going to attack, but I was taking no chances.

  He widened his arms, as if inviting me to come closer. Not likely.

  “Welcome to the sanctuary, and city of mystics.” His voice was low, with a mild accent. Not Romanian though, something closer to … Spanish, maybe? “You’re halfway through your initiation. The second part requires the mark to be visible.”

  I didn’t hesitate, I started ripping off my layers of clothes. I could only imagine how insane the Compasses were going outside. I couldn’t hear anything; this side of the mountain was quiet. Soundproof. But I knew they would be losing it.

  When I was down to just my bra, I spun around so he could see the black and red symbol which traced along my back and side. Twirling and twisting from my shoulders down to my hip, it was a tribal dragon. I still hadn’t seen the entire image; it was difficult to capture it in one look, and really … I hadn’t had much time to examine it closely.

  Only the fey’s eyes moved, running down my bare body. I was getting goose bumps all over – it was warmer on this side but still freaking cold. He needed to move along this skeezebag moment.

  My eyes slashed out at him. “You about done?” I swear if laser beams from eyes were possible, mine were fired up enough to shoot them. “I’d appreciate if you stopped wasting my goddamn time. I have friends outside freezing to death, so either let us in or let me go.”

  Mild exaggeration, sure.

  He was still just staring at me. With a huff I gathered my undershirt, long-sleeved tank and winter jacket, and pulled them back on. It seemed to be the only thing to snap him out of his creepy stare-trance. I turned to walk my ass straight back out of the force field. I’d had enough of this shit. Louis was clearly deranged if he thought this was the place for us.

  “Stop!” It was a command, plain and simple. I flipped him off, and was almost at the golden shimmer when he said, “I’ve never seen a mark like yours.”

  Despite my shitted off stance, my hesitation before twisting around to face him, was brief. I knew our options were limited, and I was a tad curious about his observation of my mark. One more chance for this weird cloaked dude.

  Our gazes clashed. He definitely looked troubled. “You and your friends are welcome here.”

  I turned back to the veil just in time for it to fade away.


  Right in front of me was three hundred pounds of angry, growling, cursing dragon man. Thankfully he hadn’t shifted yet, but that would only be due to his incredible control. Because he was surely pissed enough to have lost it.

  Maximus, Jacob, and Tyson were beside him, and they didn’t look much happier. I was guessing all four had been smashing against the barrier.

  Mischa and Grace stood a little further back, probably staying out of the firing line.

  “You lied to me!” Maximus snarled. “You were just supposed to check it out, not walk right the hell into the unknown.”

  I batted my eyelashes a few times, although my innocent face had never worked on the boys. “I did not lie, and how the heck am I supposed to get anything done when you all want to ride my ass? I can take care of myself.”

  Tyson was the first to wrap his arms around me. “Don’t you get it, Jessa babe? Next to our mates – which we don’t even have yet – you are the most important person to us. If we lose you, well … we lose everything.”

  Well, wasn’t I the asshat of the day.

  I was girl enough to admit Tyson brought a fist-sized lump to my throat and a few stray tears burning from my eyes, but I managed to keep them from falling.

  Braxton growled again and held his arms out. “Mine.” His voice was guttural.

  All of us could see that he’d moved past the place of reasonable conversation. The predator – his dragon – was riding him hard now. Tyson did not even hesitate handing me across. Lucky I was used to these men treating me like a life-size doll.

  Hard arms closed around me. The embrace was almost painful, but I was tough, I could take a bit of almost-crushed-to-death for Braxton. Then, as if he’d heard my thoughts, his grip gentled. He had his head buried in the space between my shoulder and neck, and he was breathing deeply. I knew he was calming, getting himself under control. I could feel the racing of his heart starting to slow. The scent of the shift was easing. I could always sense that hint of magic which preluded a change among shifters, almost as if a spicy heat led the way. Braxton had been damn close.

  A throat cleared behind us. “You need to enter so I can resume the protective magics. We shield many here, and any delay could alert … those unwanted to our presence.”

  Braxton stilled, lifting his head. He locked eyes with the cloaked man. I was twisted around enough to see that for the first time unease flickered across the stranger’s calm features. Good to see that Braxton’s general badassery was as potent in Romania as it had been in Stratford.

  As a group we stepped into the cave. My feet were still off the ground, so Braxton moved me. With barely a whistle of air, the golden sheen resumed, cutting off the black car and icy snow-laden mountain we had just left.

  “Follow me.” Cloak guy turned and started along what looked like a tunnel straight into the center of the mountain. It was wide enough for all of us to walk side by side as we followed.

  Tyson’s voice lost some of it genial charm as he called along the stone passage. “What about our car, and personal belongings?” I knew he was most worried about the fake identities and cash. They were our security if we ended up on our own in the human world.

  The man did not break stride. “The car will be disposed of, and your goods are already being gathered and brought to your rooms.”


  Despite the fact I scented truth, I still bristled at this man’s audacity. Who the cr
ap did he think he was making decisions for us? I wasn’t the only one – more than a few growls sounded from Maximus and Braxton. Jacob and Tyson contained their annoyance better, but I knew them well enough to see the pissed-off-tension carving a path along their faces.

  Unfortunately, it didn’t seem that we could break the security barrier on our own, so for now we had no choice but to follow the stranger along the path. Braxton finally set me on my feet, then his right hand laced through mine. I was pretty sure he was ensuring I did not disappear on him again. Hello, hand, meet your new leash.

  A flash of very blond hair had me turning to find Jacob right at my side. Staring into eyes as green as a newly formed leaf in spring, I found myself asking, “Are you getting a fey vibe off him?” Jacob generally recognized his fellow brethren, even if they were using some sort of energy to hide themselves.

  His eyes creased a little. “Yes, he is fey, but there must be some hybrid to his lineage. I also sense magic, like that of a wizard. But he is not wizard.”

  “Definitely not wizard,” Tyson confirmed.

  Maximus and Braxton exchanged glances, their tense features mirrors of each other. “I don’t like this,” the vampire quad finally muttered. “Does Louis’ note have any more information?”

  I’d tucked the parchment into my back pocket when I’d first jumped out of the car. I pulled it free and flipped it open. The creases smoothed out. The writing was gone, and now just three words were scrawled across the page.

  Ask for Quale.

  I shook my head, a sigh escaping before I could stop it. Louis was an annoying, powerful, protective, and sexy-as-all-sin sorcerer, and if he were here right now I’d be kicking his ass. I passed the note to Braxton, who read it quickly and then sent it along the line to his brothers.

  They didn’t give it to Mischa and Grace. The quads and I had been a pack for so long sometimes we forgot about our newest members. My bad … I really shouldn’t forget I had a twin sister. Don’t get me wrong, I already loved her – identical features and all – but she was quiet, and quiet supernaturals tended to get lost around us. Grace, I wasn’t sure of – with her elfin features and low firm voice – but my wolf sensed nothing to distrust and I liked her calm nature. She tempered the rest of us a little. Healer witches were softer than most supes, more in touch with Mother Nature.